TODAY.AZ / Arts & Entertainment

NUR Art House display stunning art pieces

24 November 2023 [12:50] - TODAY.AZ
Laman Ismayilova

NUR Art House has opened a group exhibition within StART project.

The exhibition was organized by the NGO Arts Council Azerbaijan with the support of NUR Art House and NGO S?yah?t to unleash the creative potential of young people, support and promote young artists and present their work to a wide audience and the art community, etc, Azernews reports.

Around 28 artists and sculptors showcased their art pieces at the exhibition, curated by Samira Faizova.

Among them are Malak Abbaszadeh, Samira Mukhtarova, Intizar Yolchuyeva, Lyaman Naghiyeva, Vusala Suleymanova, Naila Maharramova, Ayla Radjabova, Nigar Aliyeva, Farid Rzayev, Aliyar Allahverdiyev, Fidan Hasanova, Asmar Azadi, Maryam Shirin, Nargiz Geryusheva, Chinara Ahmadova, Maryam Kiblayeva, Fidan Valizadeh, Sevinj Gadimova, Linara Akmeeva, Leyla Hasanzadeh, Fidan Alimova, Sabina Iskandar, Aliya Matkazina, Sabina Guliyeva, Naila Aslanova, Ekhtiram Rustamov, Sevda Rustamova, Reykhan Maharramova.

The exhibition included art works in different styles, all united by the passion for art and the burning desire to create beauty and the search for new forms of expression.

Note that Arts Council Azerbaijan attaches great importance to the presentation of art works by young artists.

Through such exhibitions, the organization aims at increasing interest in art among the younger generation

Media partners of the event are Azernews.Az, Trend.Az, Day.Az, Milli.Az.


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