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What about boosting your effectiveness?

07 May 2015 [09:19] - TODAY.AZ

/By AzerNews/

By Laman Sadigova

Now that spring has arrived do you still wary and somewhat missing something? What about your concentration? Does your brain still feel like sandpaper, unable to concentrate or focus long enough to actually accomplish something meaningful?

If you do indeed feel rundown and empty, it might be time to ring the alarm bell and grab the bull by the horns - so to speak.

Whether you're experiencing difficulties at work or in your personal life, do not despair as help in on the way! Yes you can take things around and yes regaining control of your life is not impossible at all.

As Jane Austen once said, “I will be calm. I will be mistress of myself."

No reason need in panic - Let me tell you why…

As it happens effectiveness is often the key to unlocking success and personal happiness and well-being. So what about it? Tempting right?

Personal effectiveness means nothing but making the most of your talents and resources.

At an organizational level, it manifests itself in the form of interpersonal effectiveness and group effectiveness. From an individual point of view, it promotes happiness and, finally, well being. It can be derived through one's work, family or any other means. It is considered to be the combination of many factors that are attributed to personal qualities and external influencing factors that only work together in harmony.

Get fresh air – every day“Walk” yourself

As many studies have proven many times over, fresh air makes your brain not only work faster it actually helps you think with greater clarity. One's ability to plug into nature can help overcome depression and allow someone to rationalize one's thoughts and feelings without getting overwhelmed. A simple walk can then become a useful coping mechanism.

Ask yourself questions! The more you ask, the more questions you get

Really, begin to ask yourself questions in order to get at the root of your problems.

For instance, ask yourself how stable is your financial situation? Is your job likely to stay the same for the near future? Are you happy with the way things are going? Would you like things to change and why? Maybe your ambitions are different than what you first anticipated; maybe you thought to reevaluate your life goals and what happiness really means to you.

Are you happy in your personal life? Do you still feel connected to your family and friends? Your answers will fall into one of these categories: “…I won't do that, I may do that, I am going to do that, I will do this one thing starting now, I will continue to honor my commitments to living a life with integrity.”

Outline three main tasks for the day, the week and the month

It will indeed coordinate your thoughts and plans. Decide for yourself on the main issues you wish to tackle and then work your way through them.

Spend time identifying what you wish to accomplish every week and make sure to always reassess and question your progress. By approaching life honestly and pragmatically, you will soon gain a sense of greater control and achievement.

Identify the three areas where things are going well, and three "problematic" zones in your life. This approach can be used to plan your life ahead - whether for the month ahead or the year ahead.

This technique will allow you to concentrate on your goals while remaining flexible in your approach.

Meditate, even if you are not a yogi from Tibet

The way you usually get involved in the workflow is very important, not only for your future career, but also for your day to day planning. It allows you to allocate time to relax. How can you manage to get a good 20 minutes rest in the middle of the day? Meditate! For many people, this process is associated with the complex nature of eastern culture. And yet it could not be easier.

Meditation allows you to fully replenish your inner batteries.

And not only this! It will help you improve concentration. From a purely therapeutic point of view meditation reduces stress and improves your sleep and mood.

Celebrate your successes – regularly – no matter how big or small

It will remind you that you are making progress and it will boost your motivation. All in all, it will improve your mood and charge you with positive energy. Love for the world comes through the love of yourself.

Analyze every previous day

Dedicate at least 10 minutes of your day to your own inner analysis. Make sure that you remain on track and that life did not throw you off your goals. By keeping your eyes on the price, you will remain focused on your well being and happiness.

Soon, your problems will appear less overwhelming and solutions will manifest themselves. Envisioning success is half the battle.

Finally and most importantly remember to be a happy person, living a full life is all that really matter!


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