TODAY.AZ / World news

DPRK Foreign Ministry condemnes interference of US allies in affairs of region

13 May 2024 [19:12] - TODAY.AZ

By Alimat Aliyeva

The military presence of US allies, including Australia, Great Britain, Canada, New Zealand, France and Germany, "under the pretext of monitoring the implementation of UN sanctions against the DPRK, exacerbates the situation in the Asia-Pacific region", Azernews reports.

"Recently, US allies, under the pretext of monitoring violations of UN sanctions, have increased efforts to have a military presence in the Asia-Pacific region, thereby further exacerbating the unstable situation in the region," the statement said.

In particular, the United Kingdom has deployed naval forces to the waters around the Korean Peninsula and conducted exercises with the Republic of Korea, Canada is "trying to place" a patrol aircraft at a military base in Japan to monitor the waters around the peninsula. The diplomat noted that US allies, including Germany, France and New Zealand, have been transferring warships and aircraft one after another this year and "escalating military tensions, violating the security interests of the countries of the region."

"An Australian Navy ship that invaded the waters around the Korean Peninsula lifted a military helicopter into the air and threatened the maritime and air security of the surrounding countries, thereby creating the possibility of a dangerous armed conflict," the DPRK Foreign Ministry said. Pyongyang believes that the military presence of Western countries under the pretext of implementing UN resolutions contradicts the principles and objectives of the charter of this international organization, "the basis of which is equality of sovereignty and non-interference in internal affairs."

The DPRK Foreign Ministry expressed serious concern over the "irresponsible behavior of some countries that have joined the hostile policy and hegemonic strategy of the United States." The People's Republic demands to "stop provocations" and is ready to take the necessary measures to protect sovereignty and security. Pyongyang warned Washington's allies that "blind submission to the United States" would undermine their own interests.


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