TODAY.AZ / Society

American-Azerbaijan seminar on rights for intellectual property was held

18 March 2005 [19:15] - TODAY.AZ
Two-day seminar on rights for intellectual ?ro?erty was held 16-17 March in Baku, in Euro?e hotel. Agency Trend re?orts, the seminar was organized by Office of ?atent and trademarks of USA, US embassy to Baku and Re?ublic agency on author rights.
Along with American and Azerbaijan s?ecialists US ambassador to Azerbaijan  Reno Harnish, the chairman of agency Kyamran Imanov, de?uty Minister of Culture  Sevda Mamedaliyeva ?artici?ated at seminar.

The im?ortance of rights on intellectual ?ro?erty for Azerbaijan was noted.

It's stressed, ?rotection of these rights is in essence, one of main conditions of effective activity of economy, guarantee of its develo?ment.

S?eakers mentioned, rights on intellectual ?ro?erty are to be ?rotected reliably, in contrary Azerbaijan may turn into im?orter of ?irate ?roduction.  

The re?resentative of Office of ?atent and trademarks of USA Michael Smith  ?resented review, connected with legislative base of USA in the area of right  for intellectual ?ro?erty and mechanisms of its a??lication, discussion of  im?ortance of ?rotection of intellectual ?ro?erty, national system of  intellectual ?ro?erty: systems of ?rotection and guard, international  obligations of Azerbaijan, was held.


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