TODAY.AZ / Society

Azerbaijani chess player won silver medal in world championship

02 May 2005 [12:20] - TODAY.AZ
The first world championship held among the chess player of school pupils in Halkidiki of Greece ended.
In the competition of five age groups nearly 250 participants, 4 chess players of Azerbaijan have also taken part.

In the first championship held on Sweden system among the 12 age groups from 9 game scoring 6, 5 point, Araz Hajiyev was in the 6th place .In the struggle of 14 aged, chess players Turkan Hasanova and Zakir Tagizadeh represented our country. As our compatriots were in a failure from the very beginning of the game, they were not included among the awarders. In the struggle of 16 age grouped chess players Alizamin Jafarli was in a success. Azerbaijani chess player scoring 1 point less than Valentine Guanine has won silver medal of world championship in 7 points.


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