TODAY.AZ / Society

The Azeri migrant murdered in Israel

03 May 2005 [14:09] - TODAY.AZ
The son of family migrated from Azerbaijan to Israel last year, aged 16 Fuad Melikov Rishon le-Chion was murdered during hand-to-hand combat in night bar.
During the combat Jewish young men knifed him for several times. The parents of murdered young man Olga and Masim Melikov faced with difficulties when burying their son.

According to Israel press, because of Fuad's mother being Christian, it wasn't allowed to bury him in Jewish cemetery. Though after long searches for a cemetery to bury Fuad Melikov were found, the funeral parlour asked the Melikov's family to pay 4.000 dollars as a service fee. Afterwards, though the price was reduced to 1.600 dollars, the parents couldn't pay the required sum. The problem found its solution only after the interference of media.

Polis arrested seven men suspected in murder of Fuad Melikov.


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