TODAY.AZ / Society

The World Bank to hold new project in health system of Azerbaijan

06 May 2005 [15:36] - TODAY.AZ
The World Bank (WB) is intending to hold new project in the health field in the country.
The leader of the mission of the bank's health project Enis Barish is on a visit in Baku in this connection.

According to the information given to APA from the representation of WB in Baku, the main goal of the visit is to conduct negotiations with the corresponding governmental structures about the new project to be held in the health field in the country.

During his visit, the chief of the mission is going to hold meetings in the Ministry of Health and The Cabinet and to discuss the present situation in the field of health, the fields encircled by the new project and other problems.

The leader of the mission will also acquaint with the execution position of the "The Health Reforms" project being held for the account of WB's credits in the country in the context of the visit. E.Barish's visit will finish on May 10.

We should note that the executions of the "The Health Reforms" project at the price of 5 million dollars were begun on June 2001. The purpose of holding this project to be ended recently is to strengthen the primary medical services in the level of region and to increase the knowledge of the workers of the Ministry of Health for performing reforms in this field.

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