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The second report of Azerbaijan on "UN Convention on the Rights of the Child" reviewed in Geneva

21 January 2006 [19:49] - TODAY.AZ
The second periodic report of Azerbaijani government on "UN Convention on the Rights of the Child" was reviewed in framework of 41st session of UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.

Foreign Ministry press service told journalists that in opening remarks to the Committee, head of Azerbaijani delegation Khalaf Khalafov, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, said the insurance of basic human rights and fundamental freedoms was the supreme goal of the State in Azerbaijan, ANS informs.

Deputy Minister stated that appropriate events directed to protection and agitation of the human rights specially the Rights of the Child are held in Azerbaijan as well as new programs and bills are adopted.

Committee Expert and Chairperson Jacob Egbert Doek, who served as Rapporteur for the report of Azerbaijan, said Azerbaijan was a relatively young country, and it was struggling with two major problems: the transition to a market economy, and the problems in the Nagorno Karabakh. "However, he highly appreciated attempts made at agitation of the rights of the child," he told.

Committee chairperson stressed that progress was achieved in protection and ensuring of the rights of the child in Azerbaijan, he regarded the approach of the country to resolution of the problems in this field as estimable, said the state is on right way also underscored improvements in the bringing up of the children: "Consistent endeavors, specially actions directed to the settlement of the problems of refuge children and gutter-snipes and projects and programs in this direction are estimable."


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