TODAY.AZ / Society

Eighth monitoring on bird flu starts

01 February 2006 [00:49] - TODAY.AZ
Yesterday State Veterinary Service (SVS) at Ministry of Agriculture started the eighth monitoring on bird flue in the territories where birds nested in Azerbaijan.

As APA reports referring to the Chief of SVS Ismayil Hasanov, as a result of the monitoring held in the first two days of the week, bird flu was not found.

SVS are strengthening preventive measures and raising awareness of the people. In a few days, WHO representatives will start monitoring in Nakhchivan, Barda, Masalli and Astara regions.

SVS in turn will continue monitoring till the end of March because of probability of spread of bird flu in spring months: "It is noticeable that danger is strengthening. We are also consolidating preventive actions as the danger is strengthening".

I.Hasanov says a commission was set up by the decision of SVS. The commission consisting of scientists and experts will supervise preventive measures against bird flu. According to SVS Chief, some birds of passage died out as a result of recent cold weather. 80 pathologic samples taken from dead sparrows, crows and swans have been analyzed.

Bird flu virus was not found in the analyses. It is made clear that, the birds died of “Newcastle” disease.


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