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Orthodox Christian Community of Azerbaijan celebrates Christmas

07 January 2024 [12:31] - TODAY.AZ
Nigar Hasanova

On January 7, Orthodox Christians celebrate one of the most important Christian holidays - Christmas, Azernews reports.

According to the Orthodox, this is the last day of the 40-day fast and a time of more solid preparation for the celebration of Christmas.

In the evening, after sunset, the whole family gathers at the table, where there are 12 lean dishes according to the number of apostles. None of the dishes should be left untouched; you should taste at least a little of each. It is advisable to burn a candle - a living flame - on the table. The main dish of the holy evening meal is kutia. It is traditionally made from wheat, but other cereals can also be used. Grain is a symbol of people who are part of humanity. Honey or sugar syrup is used as glue in kutia. Christmas fasting ends with this dinner: on January 7, all restrictions are removed and a real feast can be arranged.

The Orthodox Christian Community of Azerbaijan traditionally celebrates Christmas every year. Christianity has a very ancient history in Azerbaijan. It is no coincidence that the first Christian temples in the Caucasus were built here. In this land, world religions have played an invaluable role in establishing friendly and brotherly relations between people for centuries. Cases of national and religious intolerance have never occurred in Azerbaijan. Like representatives of other confessions, Azerbaijani Christians are full members of society and actively participate in the country's life. There are several Orthodox temples in Azerbaijan.

On the night of January 6–7, solemn worship ceremonies were held in all Orthodox churches in Azerbaijan.

Archimandrite Alexi (Nikonorov), the secretary of the Baku diocese, told reporters in an interview before the start of the Christmas ceremony at the Cathedral Church of the Holy Women of Miradas:

"Christmas is a special holiday for our country. The President of Azerbaijan traditionally congratulates Orthodox Christians every year. In his congratulatory letter, he particularly emphasises the high level of interreligious dialogue as well as the festive atmosphere."

"In 2023, which is significant in the modern history of Azerbaijan, all our lands were freed from occupation," Archimandrite Alexi added.

The representative of the Russian Orthodox Church stressed that there are forces in the world trying to disrupt our holidays, and it is not pleasant for them to see Azerbaijan as a strong, economically, and culturally developed country. According to him, the transformation of Azerbaijan into a powerful and influential state is not at the heart of many:

"Azerbaijan is being attacked in various ways; our country is accused of having problems in inter-religious relations, in the relations between the state and religion. and other regions were invited to the most prestigious international platforms, where the most laudatory speeches were made about our country, and we were asked to share our unique experiences. But unfortunately, now those people are trying to tarnish Azerbaijan, which is characterised by a special spirit of tolerance, peace, and tolerance."

Archimandrite Alexi stressed that, despite these difficulties, Azerbaijan will continue on its path with confidence.


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