TODAY.AZ / Society

Ammunition found in Khankandi

09 March 2024 [11:45] - TODAY.AZ

Weapons and ammunition have been found in Khankandi, Azernews reports, citing Azerbaijan's Ministry of Internal Affairs.

On March 8, the police officers found 1 assault rifle, 1 grenade, 1 grenade fuse, 1 magazine, 241 cartridges of various calibers, and other ammunition in the territory of Khankandi city.

Recall that weapons and ammunition have been discovered in secret places, as well as in the basements of schools, kindergartens, and various buildings in the liberated areas of Azerbaijan's Garabagh as well as in Khankendi.

Those weapons belonging to the Armenian separatists are once again confirmed to have been hidden by the Armenians, who were illegally trying to commit terrorist operations and provocations in the territories of Azerbaijan.

It should be recalled that on September 19, 2023, as a result of the short anti-terrorist measures conducted by the Azerbaijani Army, the Armenian separatists operating illegally in Garabagh were disarmed, and the leaders of the separatist groups were brought to Baku and arrested in accordance with the law.


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