TODAY.AZ / Politics

Solidarity Day of World Azerbaijanis marked in S.Africa

25 December 2012 [19:55] - TODAY.AZ
 Azerbaijani Embassy in the Republic of South Africa has organized a reception marking the World Azerbaijanis Solidarity Day in the country`s capital Pretoria. The ceremony brought together representatives of “Azerbaijan`s friends” organization, political circles and businessmen.

Addressing the ceremony, Ambassador Elkhan Polukhov briefed participants on history of the Day of Solidarity of World Azerbaijanis and national leader Heydar Aliyev`s role in development of Azerbaijan`s statehood.

Chairman of the “Azerbaijan`s friends” organization Jamil Mammadalizade spoke of friendly relations between the two countries. The event participants viewed national souvenirs and carpets in the Azerbaijani corner.



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