Today.Az » Business » Etibar Pirverdiyev: “Barmek” and “Bayva” do not fulfill obligations”
06 August 2005 [09:10] - Today.Az
The president of the “Azerenergy” Open Stock Company (OSC) Etibar Pirverdiyev held a press-conference in the headquarters of the Yeni Azerbaijan Party yesterday.

E.Pirverdiyev informing about the works realized in the electro energetic field noted that building of the Sumgayit Steam-Gas Plant which has no analogue in the CIS countries was started: “The general power of this plant will be 517 megawatt, and the power admitted to the net will be 506 megawatt. The ceremony of laying down the foundation of the plant will be held in these days. According to the plan, we have to turn over the plant in October of 2007. We must turn over the 90 megawatt power station in Astara till the end of this year”.

E.Pirverdiyev informed that $ 35 million of credit debts obtained from abroad were paid back. He noted that average monthly wages of the associates were increased from 530 thousand manats to 740 thousand manats.

The president of “Azerenergy” also stressed that “Barmek-Azerbaijan Electric Net” LTD and “Bayva-energy” are in debt to “Azerenergy” accordingly 1,3 trillion manats and 38 milliard manats: “Most of our shortcomings occur because of “Barmek” and “Bayva”. It is a pity that they do not fulfill obligations”.


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