Today.Az » Business » "Turk Petrollari A.O" share in the BTC project is 6,53 percent
14 November 2005 [14:19] - Today.Az
The "Turk Petrollari A.O" national company (TPAO) has invested 1,9 billion dollars so far in the projects implemented in the oil industry of Azerbaijan. Late in 2005, this figure will reach 2 billion.

"In full-fledge development of the Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli deposits TPAO’s share is 6,8 percent, while in the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan project – 6,53 percent," the Company said. The Company also takes part in the South Caucasus Pipeline, Kurdashi, Alov and other projects as well.


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