Today.Az » Business » Azerbaijan is nearing completion of its section of Zangazur corridor
10 January 2024 [15:57] - Today.Az

Abbas Ganbay

Road and railway construction along the corridor, which will serve as a route from China to Turkiye, is expected to be completed by the end of 2024, according to an article by TRT World, Azernews reports.

"While railway and road construction in the Azerbaijani part of the Zangazur corridor is progressing rapidly, Armenia is not taking any steps to realise the project. In the absence of an agreement with Armenia, Azerbaijan is also working on alternative routes," the author notes.

The publication stresses that the motorway, some sections of which have four lanes and others six, includes 58 subways, 27 bridges, and three tunnels. The construction, coordinated by the State Roads Agency of Azerbaijan, is being carried out by Turkish companies.

"Turkiye and Azerbaijan also have a railway project that will connect the Turkish city of Kars with Nakhchivan. The realisation of the project will start within this year. Once these projects are completed, a new transport link will be created between Turkiye and Azerbaijan. At the same time, uninterrupted road and railway communication between Turkiye and Russia via Azerbaijan will be ensured," the author concluded.

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