Today.Az » Business » Azerbaijan, China discuss promotion of local products on Alibaba platform
06 February 2024 [18:18] - Today.Az

Abbas Ganbay

A delegation headed by First Deputy of Azerbaijan Minister of Economy Elnur Aliyev visited China. Within the framework of the visit, the Azerbaijani delegation held a meeting with the leadership of Chinese enterprises engaged in the production of vehicles and got acquainted with the production activity of the plants, Azernews reports, citing the Ministry of Economy.

At the meetings, detailed information was provided about the favourable business environment in our country and the opportunities created for investors. Besides, the possibilities of establishing joint production enterprises in Azerbaijan were discussed.

Representatives of Chinese companies were informed about measures implemented in the sphere of the application of "green" technologies and the use of environmentally friendly transport in Azerbaijan.

Issues of promotion of Azerbaijani products on Alibaba's electronic trading platform were discussed at a meeting with the management of Alibaba's globalisation office.

The Azerbaijani delegation also visited the Azerbaijan Trade House in Beijing, where "Made in Azerbaijan" brand products were presented.

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