Today.Az » Business » Delegation of State Service for Special Communication and Information Security visits China
31 March 2024 [14:20] - Today.Az

The delegation of the Azerbaijan State Service for Special Communication and Information Security has started a business trip to China.

As part of the visit, the meeting was held between the head of the State Service of Special Communication and Information Security Ilgar Musayev and Vice President of Huawei's ICT Marketing & Solution Sale David Shi, Azernews reports.

During the meeting, the company's experts provided information on issues such as information security, network technologies, artificial intelligence, cloud solutions, smart city management system, and at the same time, opinions were exchanged on other issues of mutual interest.

The head of the service emphasized that there is great potential for expanding cooperation between the two institutions, and expressed his gratitude to the Huawei management for the invitation.

Also, the delegation visited Huawei's Data Centers established in Dongguan, learned Huawei's experience in building data centers, as well as audit and test capabilities of Huawei's information security processes and presented solutions at the Cyber Security Transparency Center. they met.

Note that Huawei company continues to rapidly expand its technical activities in many countries of the world, as well as in Azerbaijan, in the direction of the development of new generation wireless networks, as well as the integration of smart solutions based on artificial intelligence into various spheres of our social and economic life.

The visit of the delegation of the State Service of Special Communication and Information Security to China continues.

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