Today.Az » Arts & Entertainment » Theater Workers Union appoints new chairman
22 July 2024 [17:42] - Today.Az

Laman Ismayilova

People's Artist Haji Ismayilov has been elected Chairman of the Board of the Azerbaijan Theater Workers, Azernews reports. The decision was announced at the 15th conference of the union.

Haji Ismayilov, an Azerbaijani actor, enrolled in the drama and film acting program at the Azerbaijan State Theater Institute in 1963. He joined the Sumgayit State Musical Drama Theater as an actor in the youth troupe on September 2, 1968, and later moved to the Azerbaijan State Academic National Drama Theater in 1970.

Ismayilov's breakthrough role as Mustafa in the film "Birthday" at AzerbaijanFilm Studio earned him critical acclaim, leading to him being honored as the laureate of the State Prize of the Azerbaijan SSR on April 22, 1980.

Azerbaijan Theater Workers is a public organization uniting theater workers in Azerbaijan.

The Union of Theater Workers was founded in 1897. The original name of the organization was the Union of Artists, which united about 300 artists.

This organization, which continued its activities since 1917 as the Union of Muslim Artists, since 1920 - as the Union of Turkic Actors, since 1948 - as the Azerbaijan Theater Society, was renamed the Union by the decision of the founding conference on February 27, 1987.

The Azerbaijan Theater Workers focuses on the revival of the theatrical process in the country.

The Theater Workers Union successfully organized theater festivals like Experimental performances, National Classics, Republican Festival of Young Directors, Festival of Children's Performances, Silk Road stage of the International Chekhov Festival", etc.

The Union of Theater Workers of Azerbaijan is a full member of the UNESCO International Theater Institute and the International Confederation of Unions of Theater Workers. The Union has its branches in Nakhichevan, Ganja, Lankaran and Sumgait

Since March 2013, a laboratory of young directors has been operating in the Union,

In November 2018, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the leadership of the Azerbaijan Theater Workers Union and the Georgian Theater Society.

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