Today.Az » Politics » ANAMA reveals number of landmines found in liberated territories last week
22 July 2024 [16:33] - Today.Az

The Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Action (ANAMA) issued weekly information about operations carried out by institutions (ANAMA, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and the State Border Service) involved in demining activities in the liberated territories (15.06.2024–21.07.2024), Azernews reports.

Thus, 67 anti-tank mines, 37 anti-personnel mines, and 181 unexploded ordnance were detected and neutralized.

Also, 1,673.7 hectares of land were cleared of mines.

It is worth noting that because Azerbaijan's liberated territories remain contaminated with mines, the new infrastructure and green energy projects remain a risky and problematic goal. These obstacles to legal peace are part of the challenges facing the repopulation, development, and integration of the liberated territories on the path to full peace.

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