Today.Az » World news » Uzbekistan names leading regions in terms of volume of loans issued
22 March 2022 [11:13] - Today.Az

By Trend

Uzbekistan named its leading regions in terms of the volume of loans issued in January 2022, Trend reports via Uzbek Central bank.

During this period, the largest volume of loans issued was noted in Tashkent city, amounting to 159.9 trillion soums ($14.5 billion), which is an increase of 20.2 percent compared to the same period last year (133.1 trillion soums or $12 billion).

This is followed by the Tashkent region with the volume of loans in the amount of 19 trillion soums ($1.7 billion). Samarkand region is in the third place (16 trillion soums, or $1.4 billion), Bukhara region comes next (15 trillion soums, or $1.3 billion).

During the specified period, the smallest volume of loans issued was noted in the Republic of Karakalpakstan. This indicator amounted to 8.5 trillion soums ($776.5 million), which is an increase of 7.9 compared to the same period in 2021 ($719.4 million).

In January, 2022 the total volume of loans issued in Uzbekistan amounted to 324.1 trillion soums ($29.4 billion).

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