Today.Az » Society » Number of metro stations in Baku to increase
08 January 2024 [11:56] - Today.Az

Laman Ismayilova

The number of metro stations in Baku is planned to increase from 25 to 46.

This is reflected in the Master Plan for the Development of the City of Baku until 2040, Azernews reports.

According to the plan, the metro will continue to play a leading role in the public transport system of Baku and will provide the main connection between the most densely populated areas of the agglomeration and the central regions.

The 28 May metro station will remain the central hub. By 2027, it is planned to separate the green and red lines, as well as create new infrastructure at the May 28 - Jafar Jabbarli transition station.

By 2040, it is planned to increase the total length of the Baku Metro lines from the current 36.6 km to 73.4 km.

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