Today.Az » Society » Azerbaijan's Emergency Ministry appeals to population regarding snowy weather
14 January 2024 [13:54] - Today.Az

The Ministry of Emergencies appealed to the population regarding the snowy weather conditions observed in the country, Azernews reports.

According to the information provided by the Ministry of Emergencies, as is known, severe snowy weather conditions are observed in the country, roads are covered with ice.

The Ministry of Emergencies appeals to the population to strictly follow the relevant safety rules due to the current weather conditions:

"When leaving the house, shoes should be made to be anti-slip in order to walk safely on an icy road. For this purpose, it is necessary to press metal on the sole of the shoe, and to stick adhesive plastic or insulating tape on the dry sole, and rub the sole with sand or sumbata paper. In icy places, move carefully, without haste, pressing the shoe completely on the ground. At this time, the legs should be slightly weakened, and the hands should be free. Elderly people are recommended to use a cane with a rubber tip or a special stick with a sinking tip. If you slide, sit down to reduce the force of the impact. When you fall, catch yourself, bend your arms and roll to avoid injury.

In frosty and blizzard weather, especially in mountainous areas, we recommend not to leave the residential area as much as possible, if necessary, to inform relatives about the direction of travel in advance, to ensure that the technical indicators of the car are in accordance with the season and have enough fuel. In addition, it is necessary not to approach uninhabited places and not to choose such a movement route, to follow the requirements of warning and prohibitive signs, to walk away from places where there is a possibility of avalanches, including steep slopes, and to return to the residential area before dark.

Remember: Indifference to the rules is a danger to our lives!

In case of danger, call 112!".

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