Today.Az » Sports » I proved that I was stronger than the Italian athlete, Azerbaijan's kickboxer
02 July 2023 [17:07] - Today.Az

In the final, I proved that I was stronger than the Italian athlete. In the European championship, the judges gave him the victory, and I lost in the final.

Azerbaijan's kickboxer Farid Aghamoghlanov, who won a gold medal at the III European Games held in Poland, said this in an interview with localĀ media.

Saying that he had been preparing for the competition for a long time, the Azerbaijani athlete said that he was especially looking forward to the meeting with his Italian opponent. I am glad that as a participant of the 44-day Patriotic War, as a soldier of the victorious country, I won a victory today and raised our flag high.

"I express my thanks to Azerbaijani sports fans. Thanks to the victory and the support of the fans, I have great feelings. I congratulate everyone, the entire people of Azerbaijan," added the winner of the European Games.

It should be noted that our athlete, competing in the 63.5 kg weight category in the full contact category, won the Italian representative Damiano Salvatore Tramontana in the final.

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