Today.Az » Sports » Azerbaijani boxers secure victories at IBA Champions' Night
29 September 2024 [15:10] - Today.Az

Laman Ismayilova

Azerbaijani boxers have secured victories at IBA Champions' Night, organized by the International Boxing Association (IBA) in Baku, Azernews reports.

Muhammadrasul Majidov (+92 kg) defeated Kazakhstan's Nursultan Amanjolov, while Muhammad Abdullayev triumphed over Colombia's Cristian Salsedo.

Earlier, other Azerbaijani boxers Nijat Huseynov (51 kg) and Sarhan Aliyev (71 kg) also emerged victorious from the ring.

IBA Champions' Nigh, which took place at the National Gymnastics Arena, was held in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Azerbaijan Boxing Federation, featuring eight matches with participation from some of the world's strongest boxers.

Azerbaijani athletes represented the country in four of these bouts.

Boxing is known as one of the oldest known sports in the history of humankind.

The earliest evidence of boxing dates back to Egypt around 3,000 BC.

This sport was introduced to the ancient Olympic Games by the Greeks in the late 7th century BC.

In 1924, the International Amateur Boxing Federation (FIBA) was established.

Since 1946, it has been referred to as the International Boxing Association (AIBA). Boxing made its Olympic debut at the 1904 Games in St. Louis.

In 1926, the boxing championship was held for the first time in Azerbaijan, where national boxers took first place.

Since 1992, the Azerbaijani Boxing Federation has become a full member of the International Boxing Association (AIBA).

Azerbaijani boxers have won many prestigious awards at many international championships.

Aghasi Mammadov has entered Azerbaijan's history of boxing as the first national boxer as a gold medalist at the world championship.

Another Azerbaijani boxer, Fuad Asadov, was among the medalists at the 2004 Summer Olympic Games.

Many times, Azerbaijan has been chosen as the host country for major boxing championships.

The AIBA Youth World Championships were held in Baku in 2019. This world championship was the first licensed youth tournament to qualify for the 2010 Olympic Games held in Singapore.

The country also hosted the 2011 AIBA World Boxing Championships, which was the first major qualifying event for the London 2012 Olympic Games.

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