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Autumn best season for serious life changes

22 September 2015 [09:07] - TODAY.AZ

/By AzerNews/

By Amina Nazarli

The sunny summer that brings smile to your face when you wake up each morning is drawing to an end. The start of autumn for some may come with a veil of sadness and discomfort.

When we witness the start of school or our jobs becoming busier again, our expectations for the relaxed feelings of summer and gorgeous weather inching into the autumn grind to an unfortunate halt.

Autumn in Azerbaijan is looking like a quiet fall leaf and a "golden carpet".

Although, this season is not so severe in the Land of Fire -- trees begin to change their colors in late October, and this metamorphosis, like it or not, can change a person's mood.

But by using some quick tips, you can easily overcome your melancholy and create space to embrace the change and feel happy.

Specialists say that each person needs about a month to get used to anything. Therefore it is important to make small but permanent changes in your life for at least 30 days.

Here are 7 reasons why autumn is the best season to start changing your life:

Try something new every day!

Variety adds spice to life. Try to learn or experience something new every day during those 30 days. It can be anything from a new hobby to a new conversation with a stranger. And once you develop a taste for it, these new experiences, sooner or later, will open the door to a world of new possibilities that can change your life.

Follow your dreams!

Set a goal and work on it at least an hour per day. Break up your big, ambitious goal into small pieces, and focus on doing one piece at a time. The first step is usually the hardest, but take your dream and bring it into reality.

Inspire yourself!

Try every morning to watch or read something that will inspire you to new achievements. Sometimes you need to do the small things in order to fill yourself with energy for the next day. So in the next 30 days before leaving the house, watch motivational videos or read something (quotes, blog post, a short story) that will inspire you.

Force yourself to smile!

Every day after dinner, do something that makes you smile. Watch funny videos on YouTube or read a couple of fresh jokes online. Healthy laughter stimulates your mind and replenishes your energy. And the best is to do it after dinner when a burst of energy is important for you.

Do not forget to engage in your hobby!

Every day, pay at least an hour on what you are really passionate about. Some people enjoy creating something, others find comfort in faith. It could be anything that will fill your life with happiness and meaning.

Try to always keep a positive attitude!

Successful people always try to be optimistic. Those who think optimistically see the world as a place packed full of limitless possibilities, especially in difficult times. Thus try to look at the bright side of the world the next 30 days.

Wake up 30 minutes earlier every day!

This could help you to not rush in the mornings, like a rabbit or kangaroo, and help you avoid speeding tickets, delays, and other unnecessary headaches.

In a nutshell, force yourself to believe that autumn is a mesmerizing season and it’s possible to accomplish any tasks even when it’s cloudy and raining outside. Positive thinking is the key to success.


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