TODAY.AZ / Business

Azerbaijan will join World Trade Organization in the nearest few years

31 March 2005 [16:18] - TODAY.AZ
In the nearest date the next stage of the talks held for the purpose of the membership of Azerbaijan to World Trade Organization will be held.
This report was given to journalists by the minister of economical development Farhad Aliyev.

According to him, Azerbaijan has been holding negotiations for being accepted to the membership of this organization. In the nearest few years, the membership of Azerbaijan to WTO will be realized.

Minister stated that, membership to WTO will give some advantages to Azerbaijan: "These advantages cause opportunities to attract more foreign investment, improve investment environment. Membership to this organization will not have negative impact on private sector of Azerbaijan. We will not adopt the decisions that may affect the activities of newly established enterprises in Azerbaijan negatively after being the member of this organization".



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