TODAY.AZ / Society

Azerbaijan’s Azeraluminium holds tree planting campaign in memory of national leader Heydar Aliyev [PHOTO]

14 December 2019 [10:47] - TODAY.AZ

By  Trend

A tree planting campaign was held on the territory of Azeraluminium LLC, a subsidiary of Azerbaijan Industrial Corporation OJSC, to honor the memory of Azerbaijani national leader Heydar Aliyev, Trend reports on Dec. 13 referring to the Azerbaijan Industrial Corporation.

This campaign, dedicated to Heydar Aliyev’s memory, is of great importance from the point of view of restoring the ecological balance in line with recommendations and instructions of the country's leadership to create green areas, the report said. The initiative also aims to attract people's attention to this issue and strengthen public control in protecting the environment, trees and bushes.

At the beginning, Director of Azeraluminium LLC Maxim Javadov, Head of the General Affairs department Rofat Huseynaliyev and specialist of the company Aslan Aliyev told about the national leader's life and activities, and Azerbaijan’s achievements attained in the modern history as a result of Heydar Aliyev’s wise state policy.

“During all periods of his power, great leader Heydar Aliyev tirelessly worked for Azerbaijan’s prosperity and development,” Javadov emphasized.

The speakers stressed that Heydar Aliyev went down in history as an architect, creator and savior of the statehood of modern Azerbaijan.

During the event, the staff members of the company planted 200 trees in the territory of the company.


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