TODAY.AZ / Society

Azerbaijan ombudsman, UNIFEM expand co-op relations

24 January 2006 [16:06] - TODAY.AZ
Ombudsperson of Azerbaijan Elmira Suleymanova met with Christine Arab, the Regional Project Chief Technical Advisor of the United Nations Development Fund For Women (UNIFEM).

Speaking at the event, Elmira Suleymanova told of the work done to defend woman rights in Azerbaijan, as well as the measures taken to guarantee their active part in decision-making and social life, AzerTAg informs.

For her part, Christine Arab spoke of the activity of the "Coalition 1325" Women Organization, established by the UN Security Council to support peacemaking activities of women.

Elmira Suleymanova also underlined the great importance of establishment, in the near future, of the UNIFEM representative office in Azerbaijan.


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