TODAY.AZ / Society

6 people die, 6 get injuries in autmbile accident in Alat-Astara automobile accident

03 February 2006 [16:27] - TODAY.AZ
A tragic automobile accident happed in the 42nd km of the Alat-Astara-Salyan automobile route, near Yenikand village, on Friday morning at 7.30 a.m.

A minivan GAZEL with state mark 10 HD 340, crashed with a KAMAZ truck, a regional correspondent told Trend.

6 people died in the scene of incident, while 6 passengers, including a driver of GAZEL, Elkhanov Elman, 40, with different injuries were rushed to the Salyan Central Hospital. The state of 3 passengers is heavy, while 4 – medium–heavy.

As of initial suppositions, the negligence by a driver of GAZEL bus was the key reason causing the accident. A lawsuit was filed at the Salyan District Police Department and the investigation of the accident is underway.


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