TODAY.AZ / Business

Azerbaijan and Iran cut off delivery of natural gas to Georgia

06 February 2006 [19:20] - TODAY.AZ
Azerbaijan has cut off delivery of natural gas to Georgia since yesterday.

APA was informed about it from the Azerigas Close Joint-Stock Company. The information says that the Azerbaijani party had delivered 2.5 million cubic metres of gas to Georgia daily since January 23.

As to the price of delivered gas, Azerigas reported that this issue is being discussed in a governmental level.

APA was informed from the Ministry of Industry and Energy that Georgia can pay back gas received from Azerbaijan in a monetary form or in kind. If payment is implemented in kind, the Georgian party will have to return same volume of gas to Azerbaijan. Otherwise, the price of purchased gas will be calculated on the basis of the average prices existing in the CIS territory and paid.

It should be noted that delivery of gas from Russia to Georgia was suspended due to explosion of the Mozdok-Tbilisi gas pipeline in the territory of Upper Lars region of Northern Ossetia on January 22.

At the same time, delivery of natural gas from Iran to Georgia through the territory of Azerbaijan has also been cut off since February 5. Supply of Iranian gas to Georgia was cut off by mutual agreement of both states. The reason of it is resumption of delivery of Russian gas to Georgia. It should be noted that Georgia purchases each 1000 cubic metres of natural gas from Russia at $110. Pursuant to the temporary agreement concluded with Iran after the accident happened in the Mozdok-Gazimammad gas pipeline, Iran had to deliver 2 million cubic metres of gas to Georgia through Azerbaijan daily at $120 for each 1000 cubic metres.


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