TODAY.AZ / Business

Iran increased amount of energy supply to Azerbaijan

23 March 2006 [00:51] - TODAY.AZ
Iran increased amount of energy supply to Azerbaijan, informed press office of Azerenergy Joint Stock Company.

According to the information, in the framework of the new project, Iranian SANIR Company will build several power lines 350 km long, and one new energy substation in the Azerbaijani territory. Also, the company will reconstruct several substations in Azerbaijan. To conduct the project, the company will receive credit from Iranian Export Bank of Development.

Iranian specialists have already started to prepare for construction of power substation in Saljani (Azerbaijan). They finished geodesic research of the territory where new power lines will be constructed. After the construction, total amount of Iranian energy export to Azerbaijan will increase up to 400 megawatt.

According to the source, currently Azerenergy monthly receives 50-70 mln kilowatts/hour of energy from Azerbaijan. In 2005, Azerbaijan received 656 kilowatts/hour.



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