TODAY.AZ / Society

State Service files case against Azerbaijan Railways

15 January 2024 [13:14] - TODAY.AZ
Nigar Hasanova

State control over the activities of natural monopoly entities is continued by the Antimonopoly and Consumer Market Control State Service under the Ministry of Economy.

The State Service informed that applications were received from several forwarding (private transport) companies operating through the infrastructure of Azerbaijan Railways CJSC, Azernews reports.

"In the petitions, it was stated that Azerbaijan Railways CJSC allowed unfair competition and discrimination against those companies, as well as unjustified refusal to cooperate with market subjects. Based on the received information, the State Service investigated the state of compliance with the requirements of the antimonopoly legislation in this direction. As a result of the investigation, Azerbaijan Railways CJSC was brought to the anti-monopoly legislation on the signs of restricting competition in the market, intentionally disrupting and stopping the competitor's business relations by illegal means, forcing him to accept contract terms that are not beneficial to the counterparty or not related to the content of the contracts, and influencing the execution of business decisions by illegal means. The case was filed.


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