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TikTok launches legal action against US government

08 May 2024 [22:14] - TODAY.AZ

Nazrin Abdul, AZERNEWS

In a recent development, the US government has mandated that the Chinese holding company "ByteDance" must divest itself of "TikTok," or else face a ban on the app's usage within the United States, Azernews reports.

This decision has ignited a heated debate, with "ByteDance" arguing that it infringes upon freedom of speech and poses a detriment to the Chinese economy.

"ByteDance" is prepared to invest $1.5 billion to sever ties between American users and the servers located in China. Additionally, the company has agreed to allow US-based firm "Oracle" to oversee these operations. "ByteDance" contends that the ban imposed by the United States will compel "TikTok" to surrender "millions of lines" of the program's code to its prospective new owner.

This legislation, endorsed by Congress, sets a deadline of January 19, 2025, for the effective shutdown of TikTok, thereby disenfranchising its 170 million American users. The platform, hailed for providing unparalleled opportunities for self-expression and social interaction, stands on the brink of closure, leaving its devoted user base in dismay.

Subsequently, the judiciary will be tasked with adjudicating the validity of TikTok's grievances and assessing the compatibility of the legislation with principles of free speech and the US Constitution. As the legal battle unfolds, the future of TikTok hangs in the balance, amid fervent debates surrounding the intersection of technology, national security, and civil liberties.


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