TODAY.AZ / Arts & Entertainment

Tajik Cinema Days kicks off in Baku

22 May 2024 [17:57] - TODAY.AZ
Laman Ismayilova

Tajik Cinema Days has opened its doors to moviegoers at Nizami Cinema Centre, Azernews reports.

The event was held within the Days of Tajik Culture organised in the cities of Baku and Ganja.

The large-scale event features vibrant concerts, an exhibition of artists and craftsmen, film screenings and display of national costumes, which provide insight into the history, culture, and customs of the Tajik people.

Director of the Azerbaijan State Film Fund, Honoured Artist Jamil Guliyev, addressed the event.

In his speech, he stressed that although geographically our fraternal and friendly republics are at a distance, for many years the two countries have cooperated very closely. Jamil Guliyev also touched upon the long-standing cooperation between Azerbaijan and Tajikistan in the field of cinema.

The director of the Azerbaijan State Film Fund,underlined that the Days of Tajik Culture in Azerbaijan will further enhance the cooperation between the film industries of the two countries.

The General Director of Tajikfilm, Mahmadsaid Shokhiyon, noted that over the years of independence, diplomatic relations between Tajikistan and Azerbaijan have developed dynamically and achieved significant results, which today serve for the benefit of our fraternal peoples.

"This was largely facilitated by close, trusting contacts at the highest level between the President of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon, and the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev. Tajik-Azerbaijani ties have deep historical roots in the fields of culture, religion, literature, art, and cinema. I am confident that cooperation between the two countries will continue to develop," he said.

Chairman of the Union of Cinematographers of Tajikistan, Safar Khakdodov, said that it is gratifying that cooperation between the two fraternal countries continues within the Days of Tajik Culture. He expressed his hope that these ties will continue to develop in the future.

Next, the Tajik side presented a gift to the director of the Azerbaijan State Film Fund, Jamil Guliyev. The People's Artist of Azerbaijan, Tariel Gasimov, was awarded the medal "Excellence in Tajik Cinema".

Furthermore, the guests of the event watched the film "Rustam and Sohrab", which narrates about the hero Rustam, his love Tahmina, the long-awaited meeting of Rustam with his son, as well as the betrayal of Kavus- the envious and treacherous Shah.


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