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Novel "Sword and Pen" translated into Uzbek language

14 June 2024 [15:05] - TODAY.AZ
Laman Ismayilova

Mammad Said Ordubadi's book "Sword and Pen" has been translated into Uzbek, Azernews reports.

The book presentation took place at the Azerbaijan Cultural Centre in Tashkent within the Days of Azerbaijani Culture.

Secretary of the Azerbaijan Writers' Union, Ilgar Fahmi, welcomed the guests of the ceremony. The Azerbaijan Deputy Culture Minister, Farid Jafarov, addressed the event.

In his speech, the Deputy Culture Minister underlined that the Azerbaijan Culture Ministry successfully promotes Azerbaijani literature by translating it into foreign languages.

So far, the works of more than 100 authors have been translated and published. Special importance is attached to the recognition of our authors in the Turkish world.

Emphasising the importance of the publication, Farid Jafarov said that in addition to the famous prose writer Mammad Said Ordbadi, the book also provides insight into the literature legacy of the Azerbaijani poet and thinker Nizami Ganjavi.

In their remarks, literary critics-scientists of Uzbekistan, professors Nurboy Jabbarov, Abdulla Ulugov, as well as Secretary of the Azerbaijan Writers' Union poet, translator Selim Babullaoglu, executive director of the Uzbekistan-Azerbaijan Friendship Society Erkin Nuriddinov, poet Agshin Yenisey, and director of the Azerbaijan Culture Centre in Ankara Samir Abbasov, stressed the importance of the book.

At the event, Nizami Ganjavi's poems were recited, and mughams composed of his ghazals were performed.

The book "Sword and Pen" was translated into Uzbek by Nazira Aliyeva, Muhsin Hamidov, and Rustam Komilov.

The image of Nizami Ganjavi occupies a central place in the book. The author also tried to revive the comprehensive picture of the era in which the genius poet lived.

That is why the novel is called "Sword and Pen" not by the name of the protagonist, but as a symbol of two factors that play an important role in the life material of the work - the physical and spiritual strength of the people.


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