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Azerbaijan, Italy breaking new ground for co-op in defence

27 June 2024 [20:11] - TODAY.AZ

In the last five years, arms exports from European countries have doubled compared to the previous five years. The Russia-Ukraine war has highlighted the need for the West to enhance its defence mechanisms. Among these countries, Italy has emerged as a key player in this field, increasing its arms exports by 86% over the past three years.

Notably, Italy's relations with Azerbaijan in this sector have developed rapidly. The two countries engage in active political dialogue, and their growing relationship is now evident in the defence industry.

Relations between Azerbaijan and Italy began in the early 20th century, with the brief "first independence" declared on May 28, 1918. During that period, some economic and military representatives from Italy were sent to the Azerbaijan Republic.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the occupation of Azerbaijani territory by Armenia, it became necessary for Baku to strengthen its military mechanisms. In addition to creating a hotbed of conflict in the South Caucasus, it also began to attract the interests of other forces to the region. Strong military potential was needed to end the conflict once and for all.

After liberating Garabagh from Armenian occupation in November 2020, the development and strengthening of the Azerbaijani army continued as a vital commitment, mainly for the security of the region.

It should be noted that Azerbaijan has no territorial claims against any country. Many of the weapons imported into the country are used for defence purposes. The newly imported "C-27J Spartan" aircraft from Italy is proof of this.

Yesterday, at Heydar Aliyev International Airport, an Italian “C-27J Spartan” military transport aircraft was presented to the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, further demonstrating this relationship. These aircraft will be used for military transport, the airdropping of paratroopers and cargo, as well as medical purposes. The fact that this import took place on June 26th, Azerbaijan's Armed Forces Day, adds special significance.

During a meeting with a delegation led by Italy’s Minister of Defence, the President stated that a new chapter has opened in relations, with Azerbaijan and Italy now beginning cooperation in the military-technical field. The main reason for acquiring these aircraft is to enhance the logistical capabilities of the Azerbaijani Army. These aircraft are a joint production of Italy and the USA. Including these aircraft in Azerbaijan's arsenal is part of the country's military modernization program.

It is worth noting that NATO member countries, as well as Morocco, Peru, Turkmenistan, and Chad, use these aircraft. Azerbaijan’s inclusion in this list of countries signifies the development and balanced policy of its military. While some Western countries, particularly France, have pursued policies of arming Armenia and making provocative statements against Azerbaijan, the cooperation between Italy and Azerbaijan also indicates a reduction in France’s influence in Europe.

It should be noted that, alongside the USA and France, Italy is one of the strongest arms producers in the West. For many European countries, as well as for Italy, Azerbaijan is a significant partner in terms of oil and gas. The TAP and TANAP pipelines, which transport Azerbaijani gas to Eastern Europe, including Italy, contribute to the economic and social welfare of many countries. In the first five months of this year alone, Azerbaijan exported 5.3 billion cubic meters of natural gas to Europe. Last year, Azerbaijan was also the main oil supplier to Italy, exporting nearly 11.3 million tons of oil to the country.

Additionally, a large part of Azerbaijan's trade relations in Europe are with Italy. The trade turnover between the two countries has exceeded 15 billion dollars. Many Italian companies are also successfully operating in Azerbaijan. Ongoing cooperation between Azerbaijan and Italy is rapidly developing in preparation for COP29. President Ilham Aliyev has emphasised that the two countries are in close contact regarding this matter.


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