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Why is Nikol Pashinyan rushing around?

18 October 2024 [13:18] - TODAY.AZ
By Leyla Tarverdiyeva, Day.Az

The other day, while searching the Internet for a completely different material, the news from March 2021 accidentally caught my eye. A group of Armenian organizations masquerading as international ones appealed to world leaders and various figures with a request to cancel the Moscow Treaty, which just turned one hundred years old. Armenians of various stripes, who have not lost their appetites in a hundred years, declared the Moscow Treaty illegal and demanded that it be denounced, handing over Turkish and Azerbaijani lands to Armenia and "restoring historical justice to the fraternal Christian Armenian people."

The hate-soaked message in every letter was accompanied by some maps, dubious international assessments, extracts from someone's writings, reports and other nonsense. You need to be a representative of the "Armenian area" (this was not invented by us, the definition was taken from the appeal) in order not to be lazy to compile such an extensive document, falsify archival materials, finish historical maps and not be ashamed to scatter all this at the addresses of high-ranking officials.  And to do all this with a special manic conviction, inaccessible to a person with a normal psyche.

The revanchists, who gathered there to approve and make inviolable the toxic Declaration of Independence, which does not allow Armenia to join the ranks of normal states, spoke with the same maniacal conviction in the Armenian parliament on Thursday.

The Kocharian Armenia bloc presented a draft statement "On the indefinite relevance of the Declaration of Independence of Armenia" and initiated hearings during which revanchists, Dashnaks and everyone who does not like Pashinyan tortured the microphone and waved their pens, barely restraining emotions.

The highlight of the program was the pop fraudster Bagrat Srbazan. This untidy, odious type in a cassock reached the rostrum of parliament and tried to make full use of it. When else will he be allowed into parliament to talk about the "surrender of territories" and the continuation of the "holy struggle". Zrbazan presented himself as the savior of the Armenian people. who clung to the Armenian statehood with his teeth and did not allow it to be taken away from the Armenians. Usually, the meetings of the Armenian parliament are held with a half-empty hall, but here the hall was full. The deputies, who missed the sights, came to watch the performance.
It is not worth transmitting what was said and delving into the text of the statement promoted by the revanchists. Let's just say that any attempts to bring Armenian legislation into line with international law are declared "a particularly grave crime against the sovereignty of Armenia." In general, it was a kind of revanchist rally and it was dedicated not so much to the notorious declaration and shaky Armenian statehood as to plans to overthrow Pashinyan. Moreover, as one of the deputies said, the authorities should be expelled at any cost, by "suicide squads" and other means.

The representation organized in the Parliament of the Republic of Armenia does not matter in itself. This is just a show of revanchists, who were given the opportunity to gather not in the square, but in parliament. The opposition expects to play on the theme of the Constitution and get ahead. Not realizing that this will only drive both Armenia and itself into a dead end. If not Pashinyan, then whoever comes after him will still have to solve the issue of detoxification of Armenian legislation. Of course, the preamble of the basic law, which creates problems, can be left untouched, but then nothing will change for Armenia either. From the word absolutely. Everyone has long understood that Azerbaijan will not give up on its demands and conditions. Pashinyan failed to blurt out the question, some Zrbazan, moreover, will not be able to. Even if fate finally turns away from the Armenian people and sends it to the prime minister, sorry, borova, the topic of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia will remain on the agenda. The priest deceives the Armenians, blaming the problem on Pashinyanan, although he is not to blame for anything. The problem was not caused by Pashinyan and will not go away with his departure. The prime minister himself wanted to remove it from the agenda, he tried very hard, looking for sympathizers and intermediaries to force Azerbaijan to sign a peace treaty as soon as possible without any unpleasant moments for the Armenians. But it didn't work out.

The Prime Minister of Armenia rushes from side to side, looking for some exits, and every time he hits the sky with his finger. Take, for example, the recent decision of the Constitutional Court, which ruled that the territorial claims to Azerbaijan recorded in the Declaration of Independence are nonsense, because this document is not a "valid legal act". In this way, Pashinyan hoped to deceive Baku, but here they only grinned. Using the decision of the Constitutional Court as an argument, Nikol does not understand that declaring the Declaration invalid by a legal act means the annulment of Armenia's state independence. Yes, no one disputes that this country has never been truly independent for a day. But to announce it like this, publicly... It is not surprising that lawyers defeated the decision of the Constitutional Court, including on yesterday's show with Zrbazan. These assessments completely discredited the efforts of the Armenian leader to conclude peace, showing that he is either a fool or a deceiver. Although the lawyers who spoke out represent the revanchist camp, in this case they are right. The Declaration of Independence is the foundation. Unfortunately, this foundation is unhealthy and toxic in Armenia. But the inflamed nationalist consciousness could not create anything else. The Declaration of Independence of Armenia is a direct threat to stability and peace in the region, a direct threat to the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and does not allow us to talk about the possibility of normalization and good-neighborliness in the near future. If a neighbor constantly claims your land and does not understand the human language, the atmosphere of conflict will not go away, no matter how many contracts you sign.
Pashinyan has already realized, and now the Armenian opposition will have to understand, that time is running out very quickly for Armenia. It is too little to spend on such senseless hearings, convened only to prove themselves. No, not to the people, but to those who pay for all this. It's a job. It is well known that any show costs money. If it is shown, and even within the walls of parliament, it means that someone somewhere paid for it.

In a nutshell, peace will not be signed. Azerbaijan has already relaxed the requirements on the issue of communications, but communications can be left for later, but the Constitution cannot. There will be no peace treaty, there will be nothing that Armenia could hope for.

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