TODAY.AZ / World news

Iranian president: Subsidy reform bill must be properly implemented

04 January 2010 [11:54] - TODAY.AZ
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said that if the subsidy reform bill properly implemented, the status of the health, industrial, and agricultural sectors will improve.
In a meeting with Iranian MPs on Sunday night, President Ahmadinejad said the subsidy reform bill, as per the parliament's current approval, will result in a decrease in investments and productivity and increase in the inflation rate, poverty, and the smuggling of goods.

On Sunday, Iranian lawmakers rejected President Ahmadinejad's request to withdraw the subsidy reform bill and called for the full implementation of the bill.

Earlier on Sunday, the Majlis received a letter from the Ahmadinejad administration calling for the withdrawal of the subsidy reform bill while MPs were examining problems found in the bill by the Guardian Council, which is in charge of vetting legislation to make sure it is in line with Islamic law and the Iranian Constitution.

The Ahmadinejad administration and the parliament are at loggerheads over how the money saved through the reform bill should be administered. The executive branch wants to spend the money where it deems fit.

However, the parliament wants to link the subsidy reform bill to the annual budget and to force the administration to deposit the savings in a special account for public expenditures.

/Press TV/

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