Today.Az » Analytics » Iran's complicated bad loans story
13 May 2014 [11:00] - Today.Az
By Dalga Khatinoglu
The amount of bad loans reached about $40 billion in Iran, while the
loan-to-deposit ratio in the country's banks on average is in the
critical stage.
According to the latest report, published by Fars News Agency on May
11, bad loans have mounted to 1000 trillion rials, and indicate above a
14 times increase compared to nine years ago when ex-President Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad took power.
The Central Bank of Iran has not published any updated statistics,
but according to mid-2013 data released by the CBI, the total amount of
bank deposits were $ 218 billion (based on official exchange rate in
Iran then at 25,000 rials to the USD), while the total loans amounted at
$206 billion. Then the loan-to-deposit ratio was about 1.058.
The bad loan amount during last ten years

The main increase in bad loans occurred between 2010, mid-2014, a
period when Iran's national currency dropped in value by 300 percent.

According to the report published by Fars News Agency citing an
anonymous informed official, as well as Iranian official's frequently
stated announcements, 67 percent, 21 percent and 11 percent of bad loans
belong to those who owe above $400 million, $200 million and $30
million in debt to the banks respectively.
Range of issued bad loans
amount - billion dollar
number of individuals
Above $200 million
Above $40 million
Above $20 million
Above $4 million
Below $4 million
Sixty-two percent of bad loans belong to 988 individuals who have
above $4 million in debt to the banks. Getting a loan above $4 billion
from a bank is impossible for ordinary people, but those who are
involved in business, foreign trade, company shareholders, employers,
etc. can receive loans of a huge amount.
One of the main reasons of existing bad loans is the worsening
situation in the industrial sector, mostly affected by western sanctions
aimed to curb Iran's sensitive nuclear activities.
During the last three years, Iran's economy experienced 5.8 percent
and 2 percent contraction, while the country's GDP growth is expected to
free itself from negative growth this year.
Seyed-Abrishami, Deputy Minister of Industries & Mines told ISNA in April that
5,400 industrial units in Iran have been inactivated, while 9,097
units (34 percent of total industrial units) in Iran are working under
50 percent capacity and 8, 269 units are working with above 70 percent
Under the circumstances, the paying back of issued loans for
industrial sector activists is quite difficult, while the country needs
immediately economic recovery after several years of stagnation.
Abrishami said that about 850 industrial units have had their assets
ceased by banks due to bad loans, of which about 700 units became
inactivated entirely.
Dalga Khatinoglu is specialist on Iran's energy sector and Iran News Service head in Trend Agency