Today.Az » Business » WIPO: Azerbaijan needs comprehensive measures to combat software piracy
24 April 2017 [15:13] - Today.Az
By Azernews
By Rashid Shirinov Azerbaijan needs to take comprehensive measures to combat piracy in the software market, Deputy Director of the Copyright Infrastructure Division of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Dimiter Gantchev told Trend on April 23. He said that the mere adoption of legislative acts is not enough for the regulation of this problem. First and foremost, there is a need to carry out much educational work with end-users of software solutions for them to have an idea about the issue of copyright protection, Gantchev noted. “That is, this information should go to the masses, to all sectors of society. Secondly, there is a need for an active policy on legislative regulation and accordingly the coordination of the activities of legislature and law enforcement. Thirdly, in my opinion, it is necessary to have information, that is there should be statistics to have evidence,” said Gantchev. The piracy level in the software market of Azerbaijan amounted to 84 percent in 2015, according to the study by BSA (Business Software Alliance) - Global Software Survey 2016. However, there has been a steady improvement of the situation in recent years. In 2009, the piracy rate in the country was 88 percent, in 2011 – 87 percent, and 85 percent in 2013. Gantchev said that the system of intellectual property protection is developing in Azerbaijan, and the country, being an active member of the WIPO, takes an active part in the elaboration of new international norms. “I see progress in all directions in Azerbaijan and we take this into account. It’s always nice to see that the country takes seriously the aspects of international law and applies them at the national level. I believe that Azerbaijan has achieved very good results in this matter, and this success can be proud of,” Gantchev said. He added that WIPO assists its members in developing the national strategy and its implementation. “Azerbaijan can count on the help of WIPO, which is ready to assist in this, being confident that the country really wants to turn this into a strategic direction,” Gantchev noted. Azerbaijan is now on route to increase sales of licensed software, which will inevitably lead to changes in consumer behavior. The Center for Intellectual Property Rights under the Azerbaijan's Copyright Agency regulates the issuance of control marks for the objects subject to copyright. Overall, the fight against piracy in the software industry is expected to truly influence the business environment of Azerbaijan in the future.