Today.Az » Business » BP open to new BTC oil suppliers
18 September 2006 [11:02] - Today.Az
BP PLC (BP) is open to the addition of new oil suppliers for the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan, or BTC, pipeline it operates, a company spokesman said this week.

The 1,150 kilometers pipeline, which runs from Azerbaijan's Caspian to Turkey's Ceyhan terminal, became operational in July. It is already contracted to transport Kazakh and Azeri oil. But the spokesman said "we are looking at new capacity and are interested in talking to anyone for export options."

Frontera Resources Corp., a U.S. company operating in Georgia, is one of the companies which has shown interest in using such a route, its Chief Executive Steve Nicandros said Thursday. The CEO said the company's current output is "delivered through rail but our traders are looking at a variety of outlets and BTC is an option."

In the "next 12 months, we will be addressing the issue of transportation," he said, as production increases.

One of Frontera's most promising growth areas is the Tarlibani field, believed to contain 140 million barrels of recoverable oil reserves. Dow Jones


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