Today.Az » Arts & Entertainment » Young opera singer talks on how his biggest dream comes true [EXCLUSIVE]
21 February 2023 [17:15] - Today.Az
Laman IsmayilovaAzerbaijani State Academic Opera and Ballet has thrilled opera enthusiasts with Sergey Rachmaninov's famous opera "Aleko". The opera singers People's Artists Samir Jafarov, Akmar Poladov, leading theater soloists Fatima Jafarzada, Mahir Tagizada and Nina Makarova brilliantly embodied their main roles, leaving the audience astonished. The opera singers were conducted by People's Artist Yalchin Adigozalov. The theater soloist Mahir Tagizada stood out for his magnificent performance. He masterfully got into the opera's main character Aleko, who is living with gypsies. In his interview to AZERNEWS, he shared his thoughts about Sergey Rachmaninov's opera and his impressions from the performance. Q: How did the audience respond to the opera, staged on occasion of Rachmaninov's 150th anniversary? A: First of all, I cannot but rejoice over the fact that more people than ever before are flocking to the theater. And for that, I would like to thank cultural entities, who create all opportunities for theater and art enthusiasts, schoolchildren and young people to visit the theater. As for "Aleko", it seems that the audience warmly received the opera production. After four years, Rachmaninov's wonderful music once again sounds at Azerbaijan State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater. By the way, this was the first event held in Azerbaijan to mark the composer's 150th anniversary. Q: What was it like playing the main character ? How well did you get into the role of Aleko? A: The image of Aleko has a special place in my creative work. At one time, before joining the Azerbaijan State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater, while still a 4th year student, I was lucky to sing the main part of Aleko in the opera of the same name at the state exam. Unfortunately, the Opera Studio at the Baku Musical Academy did not have its own symphony orchestra. So, we had to sing not the whole performance, but only some parts, accompanied by the student orchestra. Since then, I fired up the dream to sing the opera's full version together with a professional orchestra and on a professional stage. Finally, my dream has come true. Furthermore, principal conductor of Azerbaijan State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater, Honored Artist Ayyub Guliyev invited me to perform the part of Aleko. I express my deep gratitude to the maestro, who seems to divine my desire. The opera "Aleko" was included in our seasonal calendar. The maestro even commented on my post "Your dreams matter", saying that "Your dreams matter, especially when you are trusted to play Aleko". As you can see, my joy has no limits. If you really want something and work to the best of your ability, your dream will certainly come true. Q: What is the most memorable thing about the opera "Aleko"? A: For me, it is a great honor to perform Sergey Rachmaninov's opera "Aleko" at the age of 24. I thank the theater leadership for making my dream come true. Aleko is a fugitive, who is persecuted by the law. He cherishes the dream to be a part of the wild and natural world. When the gypsy Zemfira finds him in the desert steppe, he follows her to become a gypsy. The gypsies have neither limits, nor constancy. Here the chains are intended only for bears. Aleko wants to stay with Zemfira, to become a free inhabitant of the world, like a bird without worries. Alas, he does not realize that the gypsies are free to the end; their passion does not last long. Therefore, they don't know loyalty. He wants to be free, but he doesn't accept someone else's freedom from himself. First of all, Zemfira's freedom to love whoever she wants. Considering all this, it was very painful for me to embody such a character. Despite the vocal and acting challenges, I think I was able to convey to the listeners and viewers to some extent what they expected from me. This opera was significant in my professional activity in that it was the first opera in Russian, i.e. a work by a Russian composer on the theater stage, which is so dear to me. I would like to thank those who shared the same stage with me that night. Of course, it is a pity that at the very last moment the People's Samir Jafarov could not take part in the opera. He was supposed to perform as a young gypsy, but could not due to his father's death. Young and talented tenor Atesh Garayev had to perform this role. The performance was also remembered by the fact that three young soloists debuted in one opera. In a short time, we were able to justify the trust of both the theater management, the audience and the listeners.