Today.Az » Arts & Entertainment » After Armenian provocation in Lachin, provocation in Gadabay expected, MP says
23 June 2023 [18:13] - Today.Az

After the recent provocation at the Lachin checkpoint, a provocation in Gadabay was expected, Azernews reports.

According to the plenary session, this was stated by MP Tural Ganjaliyev, speaking at a plenary session of an extraordinary parliamentary session on 23 June.

According to Deputy, pro-Armenian MPs in international organizations do not give up their activities: "When we wanted to meet with pro-Armenian MP Natalie Loiseau, she did not receive us.

Chairman Sahiba Gafarova responded by saying that the unwillingness of the MP to meet should have been tweeted immediately: 'She is a member of the European Parliament, and you are the chairman of the parliamentary committee for European Union-Azerbaijan cooperation'.

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