Twenty-five years have passed since the establishment of the World Young Turkish Writers Union (WTUW), Azernews reports.
Founded in 1998 with the mission of promoting Turkish literature and enhancing creativity among young writers, the WTUW has played a vital role in nurturing literary talent and providing a platform for aspiring writers to showcase their work.

The significant date has been celebrated at the TURKSOY headquarters, marking a significant milestone in the organisation's history.
The anniversary celebration brought together members of the union, literary enthusiasts, and distinguished guests to commemorate the WTUW achievements of the past 25 years.

The General Secretary of the International Organisation of Turkic Culture (TURKSOY), Sultan Raev, highly appreciated the fact that over 50 works have been published since the day of the union's establishment, active participation in literary and cultural projects, and important events.

Founder-chairman of the World Young Turkish Writers Union (WTUW), an expert of the Culture Committee of the Azerbaijani Parliament, Akbar Goshal, thanked TURKSOY and Sultan Rayev for hospitality and expressed his confidence that the union, which has served the Turkish world for 25 years, will continue its extensive activities.
Rasmiyya Sabir's book "Between Earth and Sky", Akbar Goshali's book "Horses from the Altai", Shamseddin Kuzechi's book "My Poems", and Intigam Yasar's book "I Call My Name" were also presented as part of the event.
On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the World Young Turkish Writers Union, TURKSOY Secretary General Sultan Raev, TURKSOY Deputy Secretary General Sait Yusuf, Eurasian Writers Union Chairman Yagub Ömaroglu and Hayrettin Ivgin were presented with a 25th anniversary medal.
TURKSOY's Secretary General Sultan Raev also presented Shamseddin Kuzachi, professor Rasmiyya Sabir, and poets Akbar Goshaly, Intigam Yashar and Murad Toylu with 30th anniversary medals of TURKSOY.

Note that TURKSOY has its roots in meetings held in 1992 in Baku and Istanbul, where the ministers of culture from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkiye, and Turkmenistan declared their commitment to cooperate in a joint cultural framework.
The International Organisation of Turkic Culture TURKSOY is the UNESCO of the Turkic World and was established in 1993 upon the signature of its founding agreement by the Ministers of Culture of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Turkiye.