Today.Az » Weird / Interesting » Can your walk reveal your personality?
29 May 2016 [10:54] - Today.Az
We often think we can read someone’s personality
from their gait – but while many of those assumptions are wrong, your walk may
nevertheless reveal the one thing you are trying to hide.
If you saw a man walk into a bar with a John Wayne
swagger, you might assume that he’s a confident, tough kind of guy. Or perhaps
you’d have less polite thoughts. Either way, you probably wouldn’t be able to
help yourself from jumping to conclusions about his personality based on his
Psychologists have been studying these assumptions
for well over three quarters of a century, and their findings suggest that most
of us do tend to make very similar interpretations of other people’s
personalities based on their walking style. After watching that wannabe cowboy
walk into the bar, the likelihood is that you and I would agree about the kind
of personality he has.
But how accurate are these assumptions? And what
other kinds of characteristics can we read from someone’s gait? Chillingly, the
best person to ask may be a psychopath.
Let’s look first at the research into gait and
personality. One of the earliest investigations was
published in 1935 by German-born psychologist Werner Wolff. He filmed five men
and three women without them knowing, as they took part in a ring-throwing task
while wearing overalls (to conceal other personality give-aways).
Later, the participants watched back the films,
which had been edited to hide their heads, and they made interpretations of
each other’s personalities based purely on their gaits.
The study features some quaint details - the sound
of the recording reel had to be camouflaged with a ticking metronome, for
instance. More importantly, Wolff found that his participants readily formed
impressions of each other based on their gaits, and that there was often a lot
of agreement in their judgments. For example, consider some of the descriptions
given independently by the participants for “Subject 45”:
“Pretentious, with no foundation for it.”
“Somebody who wants to gain attention at any price.”
“Conscious and intentional vanity, eager to be
“Inwardly insecure, tries to appear secure to
“Dull, somewhat subaltern, insecure.”
It seems amazing that the participants formed such
similar impressions for this subject and others. Of course, with such a small
sample and the possibility that the participants were picking up on other cues
besides gait, there are problems with this early research (the participants
also knew each other, although they were poor at recognising who was who from
the videos).
Modern experiments are more sophisticated, not least
because of digital technology that can transform a person’s walk into a simple
point-light display against a black background, with white dots showing the
movement of each of their key joints. This strips out any other cues besides
the motion of their gait.
Swing or sway
Using this approach, US psychologists in the late
1980s found that there are broadly two kinds of walk, which could be
characterised by either a more youthful or older style of movement. The former
involving a more bouncy rhythm, more swaying of the hips, larger arm swings and
more frequent steps, while the latter was stiffer and slower with more leaning
forward. Crucially, the gait did not necessarily correspond to the walker’s
actual age – you could be young with an old gait and vice versa. Furthermore,
the observers assumed that people who walked with a younger style were happier
and more powerful. This remained the case even when their actual age was made
apparent by revealing their faces and bodies.
Such research shows again how readily and
consistently people make inferences about others based on seeing the way they
walk, but the study didn’t address the question of whether these assumptions
are accurate. For that, we must turn to a British and Swiss study published
just a few years ago, which compared people’s ratings of their own
personalities with the assumptions other people made about them based on
point-light displays of their walks.
Their results suggested again that there are two
main walking styles, although this study described them in slightly different
terms: the first was said to be an expansive, loose style, which observers saw
as a mark of adventurousness, extraversion, trustworthiness and warmth; the
other was a slow, relaxed style, which observers interpreted as a sign of
emotional stability. But crucially, the observers’ judgments were wrong
– these two different walking styles were not actually correlated with
these traits, at least not based on the walkers’ ratings of their own
The message from all this research is that we treat
a person’s gait much like we treat their face, clothing or accent – as a
source of information about the kind of person they are. It’s just that, whereas the evidence suggests our assessments
are rather good for faces, we tend to make false assumptions
based on gait.
At least, that’s the case for most of the judgements
we make. But there is a rather more sinister way that we do make more accurate
judgments about each other based on our walks – and it has to do with our
Some of the earliest findings showed that men and
women with a shorter stride, smaller arm swing and slower walk tend to be seen
as more vulnerable (note the similarity to the older walking style found in the
personality research). A rather disturbing Japanese study, published in
2006, added to this by asking men to say how likely it was that they would chat
up or inappropriately touch different female students who were depicted in
point-light displays. Based purely on the women’s gait, the men tended to say
that they would be more likely to make uninvited advances towards the women
with more vulnerable personality traits, such as being more introverted and
emotionally unstable.
More worrying still, research has
shown that imprisoned inmates with higher psychopathy scores are particularly
accurate at detecting which people have previously been attacked in the past,
simply from watching video clips of them walking down a hall. It seems that
some of the inmates were fully aware of this ability: the higher scorers in
psychopathy specifically stated that they paid attention to the people’s gait
when making their judgements. This tallies with anecdotal evidence. For
example, serial killer Ted Bundy reportedly said
that he could “tell a victim from the way that she walked down the street”.
This entire field of research raises the question of
whether you can adapt your walking style to change the impression you give.
Some research suggests you can learn to walk in way that sends a message of
invulnerability – faster with a longer stride and bolder arm movements – and
that women instinctively adopt elements of this style when in less safe
environments. But the psychologists who examined the personality profiles
associated with those expansive and slow or relaxed walking styles say that it
is by no means clear whether these particular gaits could be taught.
So it’s probably not advisable to try too hard to
make an impression. Otherwise it may just come across as a desperate attempt at
the bravado of “Subject 45” – or that swaggering cowboy.
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