Today.Az » Weird / Interesting » Knitted breasts now available on NHS - PHOTO
28 May 2010 [12:52] - Today.Az
When a baby is on its way, mothers-to-be can often expect a plethora of knitted presents such as clothes and blankets.
Now one group of women is shaking up the tradition – commissioned by the NHS to knit 150 woollen breasts. The models, made by the Somerset Mothers’ Union, are being used to teach techniques for breast feeding – and how to deal with problems such as blocked ducts and mastitis.
‘At first I thought they needed 150 woolly vests,’ said Shirley Dibbs of the Mothers’ Union. ‘But our members are always ready to help good causes.’
The fake breasts will be issued to health visitors and community nurses who help support new mothers.
‘In the past, trainers had to use balloons to demonstrate feeding skills,’ said infant feeding specialist Louise Stickland.
‘To my delight, the Mothers’ Union enrolled their best knitters for us – and they have done an outstanding job.’
Knitted breasts have been popular in the US for some time, where groups such as Knitting for Knockers make prosthetics for women hit by breast cancer.
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