Today.Az » Weird / Interesting » Breakthrough Toward Quantum Computing
18 July 2011 [12:40] - Today.Az
A sort of Holy Grail for physicists and information scientists is the quantum computer. Such a computer, operating on the highly complex principles of
quantum mechanics, would be capable of performing specific calculations
with capabilities far beyond even the most advanced modern
supercomputers. It could be used for breaking computer security codes as
well as for incredibly detailed, data-heavy simulations of quantum
It could be used for applying precise principles of physics to
understanding the minute details of the interactions of molecules in
biological systems. It could also help physicists unravel some of the
biggest mysteries of the workings of the universe by providing a way to
possibly test quantum mechanics.
Such a computer exists in theory, but it does not exist in
practicality -- yet -- as it would need to operate with circuitry at the
scale of single atoms, which is still a daunting challenge, even to
state-of-the-art experimental quantum science. To build a quantum
computer, one needs to create and precisely control individual quantum
memory units, called qubits, for information processing.
Qubits are similar to the regular memory "bits" in current digital
computers, but far more fragile, as they are microscopic constituents of
matter and extremely difficult to separate from their environment. The
challenge is to increase the number of qubits to a practical-size
quantum register. In particular, qubits need to be created into sets
with precise, nonlocal physical correlations, called entangled states.
Olivier Pfister, a professor of physics in the University of
Virginia's College of Arts & Sciences, has just published findings
in the journal Physical Review Letters demonstrating a
breakthrough in the creation of massive numbers of entangled qubits,
more precisely a multilevel variant thereof called Qmodes.
Entanglement dwells outside our day-to-day experience; imagine that
two people, each tossing a coin on their own and keeping a record of the
results, compared this data after a few coin tosses and found that they
always had identical outcomes, even though each result, heads or tails,
would still occur randomly from one toss to the next. Such correlations
are now routinely observed between quantum systems in physics labs and
form the operating core of a quantum computing processor.
Pfister and researchers in his lab used sophisticated lasers to
engineer 15 groups of four entangled Qmodes each, for a total of 60
measurable Qmodes, the most ever created. They believe they may have
created as many as 150 groups, or 600 Qmodes, but could measure only 60
with the techniques they used.
Each Qmode is a sharply defined color of the electromagnetic field.
In lieu of a coin toss measurement, the Qmode measurement outcomes are
the number of quantum particles of light (photons) present in the field.
Hundreds to thousands of Qmodes would be needed to create a quantum
computer, depending on the task.
"With this result, we hope to move from this multitude of small-size
quantum processors to a single, massively entangled quantum processor, a
prerequisite for any quantum computer," Pfister said.
Pfister's group used an exotic laser called an optical parametric
oscillator, which emitted entangled quantum electromagnetic fields (the
Qmodes) over a rainbow of equally spaced colors called an "optical
frequency comb."
Ultrastable lasers emitting over an optical frequency comb have
revolutionized the science of precision measurements, called metrology,
and paved the way to multiple technological breakthroughs. The inventors
of the optical frequency comb, physicists John Hall of the National
Institute of Standards and Technology and Theodor Hänsch of the
Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, were awarded half of the 2005
Nobel Prize in Physics for their achievement. (The other half went to
Roy Glauber, one of the founding fathers of quantum optics.)
With their experiments, Pfister's group completed a major step to
confirm an earlier theoretical proof by Pfister and his collaborators
that the quantum version of the optical frequency comb could be used to
create a quantum computer.
"Some mathematical problems, such as factoring integers and solving
the Schrödinger equation to model quantum physical systems, can be
extremely hard to solve," Pfister said. "In some cases the difficulty is
exponential, meaning that computation time doubles for every finite
increase of the size of the integer, or of the system."
However, he said, this only holds for classical computing. Quantum
computing was discovered to hold the revolutionary promise of
exponentially speeding up such tasks, thereby making them easy
"This would have tremendous societal implications, such as making
current data encryption methods obsolete, and also major scientific
implications, by dramatically opening up the possibilities of
first-principle calculations to extremely complex systems such as
biological molecules," Pfister said.
Quantum computing can be summarized by qubit processing; computing
with single elementary systems, such as atoms or monochromatic light
waves, as memory units. Because qubits are inherently quantum systems,
they obey the laws of quantum physics, which are more subtle than those
of classical physics.
Randomness plays a greater role in quantum evolution than in
classical evolution, Pfister said. Randomness is not an obstacle to
deterministic predictions and control of quantum systems, but it does
limit the way information can be encoded and read from qubits.
"As quantum information became better understood, these limits were
circumvented by the use of entanglement, deterministic quantum
correlations between systems that behave randomly, individually," he
said. "As far as we know, entanglement is actually the 'engine' of the
exponential speed up in quantum computing."
/Science Daily/