Today.Az » Weird / Interesting » New globular star clusters found
28 October 2011 [08:35] - Today.Az
Two newly discovered globular clusters have been added to the total of just 158 known globular clusters in our Milky Way. They were found in new images from ESO's VISTA survey telescope as part of the Via Lactea (VVV) survey. This survey has also turned up the first star cluster that is far beyond the centre of the Milky Way and whose light has had to travel right through the dust and gas in the heart of our galaxy to get to us.
The dazzling globular cluster called UKS 1 dominates the right-hand
side of the first of the new infrared images from ESO's VISTA survey
telescope at the Paranal Observatory in Chile. But if you can drag your
gaze away, there is a surprise lurking in this very rich star field -- a
fainter globular cluster that was discovered in the data from one of
VISTA's surveys. You will have to look closely to see the other star
cluster, which is called VVV CL001: it is a small collection of stars in
the left half of the image.
But VVV CL001 is just the first of VISTA's globular discoveries. The
same team has found a second object, dubbed VVV CL002. This small and
faint grouping may also be the globular cluster that is the closest
known to the centre of the Milky Way. The discovery of a new globular
cluster in our Milky Way is very rare. The last one was discovered in
2010, and only 158 globular clusters were known in our galaxy before the
new discoveries.
These new clusters are early discoveries from the VISTA Variables in
the Via Lactea (VVV) survey that is systematically studying the central
parts of the Milky Way in infrared light. The VVV team is led by Dante
Minniti (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) and Philip Lucas
(Centre for Astrophysics Research, University of Hertfordshire, UK).
As well as globular clusters, VISTA is finding many open, or galactic
clusters, which generally contain fewer, younger, stars than globular
clusters and are far more common. Another newly announced cluster, VVV
CL003, seems to be an open cluster that lies in the direction of the
heart of the Milky Way, but much further away, about 15 000 light-years
beyond the centre. This is the first such cluster to be discovered on
the far side of the Milky Way.
Given the faintness of the newly found clusters, it is no wonder that
they have remained hidden for so long; up until a few years ago, UKS 1
(seen in image a), which easily outshines the newcomers, was actually
the dimmest known globular cluster in the Milky Way. Because of the
absorption and reddening of starlight by interstellar dust, these
objects can only be seen in infrared light and VISTA, the world's
largest survey telescope, is ideally suited to searching for new
clusters hidden behind dust in the central parts of the Milky Way [2].
One intriguing possibility is that VVV CL001 is gravitationally bound
to UKS 1 -- making these two stellar groups the Milky Way's first
binary globular cluster pair. But this could just be a line-of-sight
effect with the clusters actually separated by a vast distance.
These VISTA pictures were created from images taken though
near-infrared filters J (shown in blue), H (shown in green), and Ks
(shown in red). The size of the images show only a small fraction of the
full VISTA field of view.
[1] The discovery of the additional new clusters was just announced
in San Juan, Argentina, during the first bi-national meeting of the
Argentinian and Chilean astronomical associations.
[2] The tiny dust grains that form huge clouds within galaxies
scatter blue light much more strongly than red and infrared light. As a
result astronomers can see through the dust much more effectively if
they study infrared light rather than the usual visible radiation that
our eyes are sensitive to. /Science Daily/