Azerbaijani Parliament’s International and Inter-Parliamentary Relations Committee condemned the resolution on the relations between the EU and Azerbaijan that the European Parliament passed on March 15, Azernews reports.
The committee said in a statement that the resolution “shocks for the amount of false and offensive rhetoric contained in it and aimed deliberately at discrediting Azerbaijan's efforts to achieve peace, provoking the revanchist forces in Armenia and destabilizing the already complex situation in the South Caucasus in general and in the Karabakh Economic Region of Azerbaijan in particular”.
Besides, the committee expressed disappointment that the European Parliament has not only failed to prevent the adoption from damaging its reputation but has also “become a tool in the hands of those trying to realize their nefarious plans in the South Caucasus Region through chaos and war”.
The statement also said that the resolution of the European Parliament questioned the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, which is a complete disrespect for both international law and the very charter of this organization. The statement pointed out that the adoption of such a document originates from Armenia and the Armenian Diaspora, which is “a cancerous tumor of Europe”.
The committer further pointed out that the adoption of this resolution completely disregards Azerbaijan’s history and its pain whether through the occupation of 20 percent of its territory, ethnic cleansing, the Khojaly Genocide, as well as over a million refugees and internally displaced people.
Moreover, the statement underlined that the fact that the parliament repeats Armenian “tales of blockade of Lachin road” only indicated its partiality in the adoption of the resolution.
In parallel, the committee drew attention to the stance taken by the Commissioner for European Integration and Neighbourhood Policy of the European Union Oliver Várhelyi, who was able to maintain a balanced approach to assessing the developments in the region.
To recap, the statement called on European parliamentarians “to come to their senses, not to stir the pot to feed revanchist forces but to engage in a constructive dialogue based on mutual respect and understanding”.