Today.Az » Politics » Fuzuli residents share impressions as new life starts in hometown
10 October 2023 [12:47] - Today.Az

After thirty years, we are returning to our hometown. Our joy knows no bounds. Fuzuli resident Zarnigar Aliyeva said this during the ceremony of leaving the Gobu Park 3 residential complex in the Garadagh district on 10 October in an interview with local media outlets, Azernews presents the interviews.

Noting that she is very happy to return to her native Fuzuli, Z.Aliyeva said that her family died and she is a bit sad about it.

"May God protect our state, our army, and have mercy on all our martyrs. May God prevent our nation from going through difficult days again," the Fuzuli resident said.

Zarnigar Aliyeva also expressed her wish to start a new life in her native country.

"The rebuilding of houses in our neighborhood is another feeling. I have always waited and believed in the day when we will return to our ancestral home."

Raifa Gasimova, a resident of Fuzuli district, said such words in an interview with local media outlets.

Expressing satisfaction with the realization of this conviction, R.Gasimova said that she is a primary school teacher. The resident of Fuzuli said that Azerbaijan land, for the sake of which the lives were given and the blood of our martyrs was mixed up, now breathes freely and embraces its native inhabitants.

"We, the people of Fuzuli, have always relied on our state, on our President, on the Commander-in-Chief General and we continue to rely on him. We knew that we would eventually achieve what we wanted, and our territorial integrity would be restored. Fortunately, those days have come. May God have mercy on our martyrs," said a Fuzuli resident.

"I left Fuzuli with my father when I was two years old and now I am returning to my homeland without my father."

Salmanova Shabnam, a resident of Fuzuli, said this in an interview with the local media

According to her, she is now feeling great joy about returning to Fuzuli.

"Long live our president and our army. Conditions have already been created in Fuzuli, we are highly motivated to return there," she said.

I vowed to give a kiss to my native Fuzuli land as soon as I reached it.

Sara Salmanova, a resident of Fuzuli, said it in an interview with local media outlets.

According to her, she did not sleep last night from the joy of returning to Fuzuli.

"God bless the health of our Commander-in-chief General, our veterans, and may the souls of our martyrs be happy for giving us this joy," she said.

"I am returning to the land I have longed for for 30 years"

This was reported by Fuzuli resident Abbasov Rashid in an interview with local media outlets.

According to him, he is very happy to return to his homeland.

"I myself participated in the First Garabagh war for 5 years. My grandson is also a Garabagh shehid. God grant health to our President and have mercy on our martyrs. May the souls of our martyrs be happy for giving us such a day. As soon as I reach Fuzuli, I will kiss this land," a resident said.

I wish all our displaced people to return to their homeland - Fuzuli resident

I wish all our citizens, who were forced to leave their homes for many years, to return to their homeland.

This was reported by Fizuli resident Khanalieva Gamar in an interview with local media outlets.

According to her, to return to the homeland after 30 years is a wonderful feeling. There can't be a better feeling.

"I am returning to Fuzuli with my sons, daughters-in-law, and grandchildren. "I am honored to live in my native land," she said.

"Under the leadership of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of Azerbaijan, we were happy to return to our country."

This was reported by Vagif Veliyev, a resident of Fuzuli in an interview with local media outlets.

According to him, Azerbaijan regained its lands at the cost of the lives of our martyrs.

"God bless our President and our veterans, and have mercy on all our martyrs."

"We could never believe that our lands and homeland would be liberated from the Armenian Dashnaks. We are very happy to return to our native land," he said.

"Under the leadership of our President, thanks to our martyrs and veterans today the residents of Fuzuli are returning to their homeland."

Fuzuli resident Shamilov Elchin said in an interview with local media outlets.

"May God have mercy on all our martyrs, and give health to our President and our veterans. Fortunately, all conditions have been created there. I am now sending my son to Fuzuli. My son left there when he was 5 years old. Now he is returning to his homeland with his family. I am waiting for my turn to return," resident said.

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